514 research outputs found

    On some goodness of fit tests fornormality based on the optimal transport distance

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    We apply the optimal transport distance to construct two goodness of fit tests for (univariate) normality. The derived statistics are then compared with those used by the Shapiro-Wilk, the Anderson-Darling and the Cramer-von Mises tests. In particular, we preform Monte Carlo experiments, involving computations of the test power against some selected alternatives and wide range of sample sizes, which show efficiency of the obtained test procedures

    Transoesophageal echocardiography reduces invasiveness of cavoatrial tumour thrombectomy

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    The traditional approach to cavoatrial thrombus excision requires median sternotomy, cardiopulmonary bypass with or without hypothermia and circulatory arrest and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. We describe a transoesophageal echocardiography guided balloon catheter assisted technique for cavoatrial thrombectomy that avoids thoracotomy, extracorporeal circulation and circulatory arrest as an alternative to traditional methods. A 74-year-old man presented with a right solid renal mass confined to the kidney with thrombus extension through the right renal vein and the inferior vena cava into the right atrium. A right radical nephrectomy with cavoatrial thrombectomy under transoesophageal echocardiography guidance was successfully achieved using a balloon catheter-assisted technique with minimal intra-and postoperative morbidity. Cavoatrial tumour thrombectomy can be successfully performed without cardiopulmonary bypass, hypothermia and circulatory arrest

    Shadowing is generic on various one-dimensional continua with a special geometric structure

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    In the paper we use a special geometric structure of selected one-dimensional continua to prove that some stronger versions of the shadowing property are generic (or at least dense) for continuous maps acting on these spaces. Specifically, we prove that (i) the periodic TS-bi-shadowing property, where TS means some class of continuous methods, is generic as well as the s-limit shadowing property is dense in the space of all continuous maps (and all continuous surjective maps) of any topological graph; (ii) the TS-bi-shadowing property is generic as well as the s-limit shadowing property is dense in the space of all continuous maps of any dendrite; (iii) the TS-bi-shadowing property is generic in the space of all continuous maps of chainable continuum that can by approximated by arcs from the inside. The results of the paper extend ones obtained over the last few decades by various authors (see, e.g., Kościelniak in J Math Anal Appl 310:188–196, 2005; Kościelniak and Mazur in J Differ Equ Appl 16:667–674, 2010; Kościelniak et al. in Discret Contin Dyn Syst 34:3591–3609, 2014; Mazur and Oprocha in J Math Anal Appl 408:465–475, 2013; Mizera in Generic Properties of One-Dimensional Dynamical Systems, Ergodic Theory and Related Topics, III, Springer, Berlin, 1992; Odani in Proc Am Math Soc 110:281–284, 1990; Pilyugin and Plamenevskaya in Topol Appl 97:253–266, 1999; and Yano in J Fac Sci Univ Tokyo Sect IA Math 34:51-55, 1987) for both homeomorphisms and continuous maps of compact manifolds, including (in particular) an interval and a circle, which are the simplest examples of one-dimensional continua. Moreover, from a technical point of view our considerations are a continuation of those carried out in the earlier work by Mazur and Oprocha in J. Math. Anal. Appl. 408:465-475, 2013

    Romana Darowskiego filozofia człowieka jako filozofia absolutu

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    Roman Darowski’s Philosophy of Man as a Philosophy of the Absolut

    Wychowanie do miłości

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    Wychowanie do miłości jest jednym z najważniejszych zadań współczesnej pedagogiki pastoralnej. Zdaniem autora powinna nastąpić konsolidacja wysiłków głównych środowisk wychowawczych (rodziny, szkoły i Kościoła) w procesie wychowania ku miłości. Wspólnym zadaniem – rodziców, nauczycieli i duszpasterzy– powinno być wspomaganie dzieci i młodzieży w kreowaniu swojego życia według wartości oraz wspomagania ich do urzeczywistniania miłości

    Edward Walewander, Pedagogika katolicka w diecezji lubelskiej 1918–1939, Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Lublin 2007, ss. 366

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    Credibility and creativity in network society

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    The authors of this article claim that the network society is organised around such flow of information in which each entity constitutes its specific centre. Through the network entities obtain information from other entities. The amount of information and the fact that it is difficult to verify it are the reasons why the issue of credibility plays the key role in such a society. Aiming at being credible within the network society involves various methods and techniques of making other entities acknowledge one’s credibility. In result credibility is strongly related to creativity. In the pragmatic sense, credibility becomes the objective of creativity. In the moral aspect creativity assumes credibility due to the need to shape a person (education and upbringing) in and by the society in such a way that they may become a creative entity, stimulate their creativity and use it through the interaction with other entities. Santrauka Šio straipsnio autoriai tvirtina, kad tinklo visuomenę organizuoja toks informacijos srautas, kurio sąlygomis bet kokia esatis steigia savąjį specifinį centrą. Per tinklą esatys pasiekia informaciją iš kitų esačių. Informacijos kiekis ir faktas, kad sudėtinga ją patikrinti, tokioje visuomenėje atlieka pagrindinį vaidmenį. Siekimas būti patikimu tinklo visuomenėje apima įvairius metodus ir technikas, skirtas tam, kad kas nors būtų pripažintas kaip patikimas. Išplaukia, kad patikimumas yra glaudžiai susijęs su kūrybiškumu. Pragmatiniu požiūriu patikimumas tampa kūrybiškumo tikslu. Moralės aspektu kūrybiškumas įgauna patikimumo dėl poreikio formuoti asmenį (švietimas ir ugdymas) visuomenėje ir pasitelkiant ją taip, kad tai taptų kūrybine esatimi, žadintų asmens kūrybiškumą ir išnaudotų jį sąveikaujant su kitomis esatimis. Reikšminiai žodžiai: kūrybiškumas, patikimumas, etika, informacija, moralinis patikimumas, tinklo visuomenė, pragmatizmas

    Chrześcijańska filozofia człowieka w Polsce wobec wyzwań XX i XXI wieku

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    According to the author of the article, Christian anthropology is characterized by an affirmative approach to Christianity and personalism in the understanding of man. During the last century in Poland it faced four key challenges for its development which were: 1) searching for a proper model of social life connected with the rejection of individualism and collectivism; 2) the clash with collectivist totalitarianism (communism) which imposes an erroneous concept on man; 3) resignation of the Church in her teaching from the domination of the Thomistic model of understanding the world and man; 4) establishment of a naturalistic and transhumanistic model of man in the culture of the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. Christian anthropology responded to the first three calls with a specific type of personalism: social – in the first case, metaphysical – in the second, liberalist and ethical – in the third. At present time, it must seek a personalistic response to the fourth challenge, while the author believes that Christian anthropology is threatened by fideistic personalism resulting from the acceptance of the naturalistic image of man coming from detailed sciences and the abandonment of attempts to ­philosophically justify his personal status.Według autora artykułu antropologia chrześcijańska charakteryzuje się afirmatywnym podejściem do chrześcijaństwa i personalizmu w rozumieniu człowieka. W ciągu ostatniego stulecia w Polsce stanęła ona przed czterema kluczowymi wyzwaniami dla jej rozwoju, którymi były: 1) poszukiwanie właściwego modelu życia społecznego związanego z odrzuceniem indywidualizmu i kolektywizmu; 2) zderzenie z totalitaryzmem kolektywistycznym (komunizmem), który narzucał błędną koncepcję człowieka; 3) rezygnacja Kościoła w jego nauczaniu z dominacji tomistycznego modelu rozumienia świata i człowieka; 4) ustanowienie naturalistycznego i transhumanistycznego modelu człowieka w kulturze przełomu XX i XXI wieku. Antropologia chrześcijańska odpowiedziała na pierwsze trzy wezwania specyficznym typem personalizmu: społecznym – w pierwszym przypadku; metafizycznym – w drugim, liberalistycznym i etycznym – w trzecim. Zdaniem autora artykułu obecnie musi ona szukać personalistycznej odpowiedzi na czwarte wyzwanie. Antropologii chrześcijańskiej zagraża fideistyczny personalizm wynikający z przyjęcia naturalistycznego obrazu człowieka pochodzącego z nauk szczegółowych i rezygnacja z prób filozoficznego ­uzasadnienia jego osobowego statusu